You are a man or woman aged 35-74.
You hold a leadership position in business or community.
You've hit a ceiling in your leadership ability.
Your age does not fall within 35 to 74 years.
You do not hold any leadership position in business or community.
You are not aiming for significant improvement in leadership ability.
Spearheading a transformative leadership journey, Todd Sivers brings to the table a wealth of knowledge derived from a 25-year long illustrious career in nonprofit and entrepreneurial leadership. A sabbatical that began in 2019 extended into a six-year immersion into the depths of leadership history and science, providing Todd with unique insights that have informed the creation of his powerful Four Switches Success System.
This revolutionary approach is a distillation of over 2000 years of leadership history, incorporating learnings from over 1500 books covering a diverse array of topics including leadership, human behavior, neuroscience, deception, manipulation, and religion. The system offers clarity, predictability, and simplicity, arming anyone with the will to lead with an augmented leadership capability. Simply put, Todd Sivers has designed the blueprint to transform a keen learner into an extraordinarily competent leader.